Roasted Carrot ~ Garlic Dip

I made this carrot garlic dip with roasted elephant garlic. Sometimes I make it without cooking the garlic for extra zing and antibiotic character. Roasting the garlic is a more mellow dip.

I made this carrot garlic dip with roasted elephant garlic. Sometimes I make it without cooking the garlic for extra zing and antibiotic character. Roasting the garlic is a more mellow dip.

This is a colorful new recipe for a healthy and tasty dip. you can take liberties with this recipe to make it spicier and healthier. Sometimes I make my own crackers too. Serve it warm or cold with celery, crackers, etc!


  • 2-3 cups of chopped carrots

  • 1 cup coconut milk (or other non-dairy milk)

  • 2+ cloves of garlic, depending on how garlicky you like your dips

  • 1tsp sea salt

  • dulse flakes ( optional)

  • 1 tsp cumin

  • 1 tsp paprika

  • 1/2 lemon juice

  • (spices can be mixed and matched, add a pinch of cyan for a spicier dip)


  • Chunky chop the carrots and place with the garlic on a cookie sheet with a piece of parchment between the veggies and a cookie sheet

  • Chunky chop the carrots and place with the garlic on a cookie sheet with a piece of parchment between the veggies and a cookie sheet

  • Roast them at 425°F for about 30 minutes

  • Peel the garlic’s and add everything to a blender or food processor and mix on high until smooth.

  • Peel the garlic’s and add everything to a blender or food processor and mix on high until smooth.

  • Note ~ If you want to add a little protein to this dip you can add some roasted nuts at this point if the dip is two solid to blend add a little more of your non-dairy milk

~ eat your truth! Karin